Expat Life Coach
Work With Me

We'll start from where
you are now.
Right now, you probably don't feel great. Whether you are still packing or have already settled in your new home, you agreed to move abroad - but you are actually not committing to that choice -.
You feel lost, helpless, torn, you don't know what you want anymore. You do almost everything reluctantly, take two steps forwards and three steps back, function in survival mode with no energy, no purpose of your own.
Your life does not look like what you expected it to be. It was your partner's opportunity and you followed.
What is holding you back mentally?
All the boxes are checked, the cherished ones left behind are looking at you as a courageous heroine. But you stay stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and comparison. You feel miserable.
You see yourself as enduring your life rather than embracing it.
Then, you judge yourself on top of it all.
What is wrong with you?
When you feel like “less”, invisible, you stay at home doing nothing,
you hope for some external event to get you out of that rabbit hole, you mourn your past, your professional and social life you blame your husband/ wife. You think that there is something wrong with you.
Let me reassure you..
You are just like any human being experiencing all the emotions of a human life, wanting to be seen and valued. You are going through all the colors of life. There is one part of you trying to keep you safe in the environment you are familiar with, the other part is trying to make you see how much bigger and more exciting your life could be, if you did not listen to the first part.
Now, you can stay stuck forever in misery or decide to take back control of your life, live it intensely, make the most out of it with no harm, without turning everything upside down, by accepting the situation you are in now, by saying YES to your life abroad, by committing to your decision.
Start or restart your experience abroad with consciousness, conviction, trying your best, honoring the part of yourself that allows uncertainty, that acknowledges that life has bright and dark sides. And that wherever you'll live, you'll always have the choice to see the glass half-empty or half-full.
Yes, it's not always going to be easy but it is worthwhile trying.

Then, we'll discover what you truly want.
Because you won't find the answer to your desires if you stay in denial, in rejection, overwhelmed with doubts and fears or if you sweep your emotions under the carpet.
The answer is in you,
in the way you think of yourself,
in the way you talk to yourself
and trust in your capabilities.
You can only access what you really want for yourself from a quiet place, a place of love free from self-judgment and guilt.You still might think that there is a direct link between your state of mind and your environment and tend to blame your husband, your neighbors …
Allow change for yourself, you'll take back control of your emotions. You will grow and feel like living an authentic life.
I do have a plan for you.
Accept where you are right now. If you feel overwhelmed with doubts and fears, disoriented, lonely, you cannot possibly see what the real problem is, the one that is hurting you most.
You think you know but working in 1:1 coaching with me, will give you a completely different perspective and allow you to decide consciously what you want to keep or not, what feels good and useful to your growth. How you want to add meaning to your life. Because there is the story you´re telling yourself and there are facts. Facts don't hurt.
Here is what you need to move forward, to "feel at home in your life" anytime and anywhere, and make it grow towards your dream. Make this dream come true in 4 steps:
Press the Pause button, settle down, deal with emotional overload, get out of the negative spiral of self-doubt and self-judgement, listen to your emotions, stand back and gain some perspective, choose how to respond to life instead of reacting.
Clarity on your situation
and desires
Getting awareness on: What is holding you back? (Remember, it's not what you think it is.) Understand where your emotions come from to be able to turn them into your allies. They are the key to your emotional well-being. They drive you to take action or keep you stuck.
Identify the real obstacles to your well-being (belief systems that limit you…) Sort things out (learn to say no) so you can make room for what you really, consciously and intentionally want. Find out what is in your power to change. Right now? In the long run?
You probably just don't know what you want exactly and where to start with. But let's just imagine, let's open your future a little bit… If you knew? Where would you start with?
The answer is inside of you. Make room for your desires, allow yourself to imagine with no restriction, to dream big. You have a whole palette of colors at your disposal, again, don't limit yourself to black and white.
What do you want for yourself now? In the medium term? In the long term? And above all Why?
Focus on your goal even if it feels good and terribly scary at the same time. Figure out what you need to follow through no matter what. Strengthen your reason, as much as you can. Take responsibility for your emotions, choose consciously how you want to show up. You know how to reconnect with yourself, redirect your thoughts instead of scattering them when distraction knocks on your door.
Build confidence all the way long. It's hard to follow through if you have no confidence, you'll want to give up on the first occasion, because it's easier to step out than to stay focused on your goal.
For each obstacle, you'll figure out a strategy to move on, no matter what because: You'll trust in yourself and in your capabilities to get what you want. You know how to create healthy boundaries and maintain loving relationships. You figure out how to stay on your side and not to give in people pleasing because you are your best friend ever.
Press the Pause button, settle down, deal with emotional overload, get out of the negative spiral of self-doubt and self-judgement, listen to your emotions, stand back and gain some perspective, choose how to respond to life instead of reacting.
Clarity on your situation
and desires
Getting awareness on: What is holding you back? (Remember, it's not what you think it is.) Understand where your emotions come from to be able to turn them into your allies. They are the key to your emotional well-being. They drive you to take action or keep you stuck.
Identify the real obstacles to your well-being (belief systems that limit you…) Sort things out (learn to say no) so you can make room for what you really, consciously and intentionally want. Find out what is in your power to change. Right now? In the long run?
You probably just don't know what you want exactly and where to start with. But let's just imagine, let's open your future a little bit… If you knew? Where would you start with?
The answer is inside of you. Make room for your desires, allow yourself to imagine with no restriction, to dream big. You have a whole palette of colors at your disposal, again, don't limit yourself to black and white.
What do you want for yourself now? In the medium term? In the long term? And above all Why?
Focus on your goal even if it feels good and terribly scary at the same time. Figure out what you need to follow through no matter what. Strengthen your reason, as much as you can. Take responsibility for your emotions, choose consciously how you want to show up. You know how to reconnect with yourself, redirect your thoughts instead of scattering them when distraction knocks on your door.
Build confidence all the way long. It's hard to follow through if you have no confidence, you'll want to give up on the first occasion, because it's easier to step out than to stay focused on your goal.
For each obstacle, you'll figure out a strategy to move on, no matter what because: You'll trust in yourself and in your capabilities to get what you want. You know how to create healthy boundaries and maintain loving relationships. You figure out how to stay on your side and not to give in people pleasing because you are your best friend ever.
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1 hr
100 euros